Additive manufactured parts
Metal Powder
Copper and copper alloy
Building and construction
Industrial manufacturing
Pulp & paper
Retail furnishings, consumer durables manufacturing
Additive manufacturing
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High Carbon Products
Become a supplier of high carbon products to Northern European markets
As a part of a constantly growing market we strive to find new qualified and trusted suppliers to meet the increasing demands of our customers. Founded in 1996, Anordica is one of the largest wire suppliers in Northern Europe and has formed close relationships with suppliers and customers throughout all of Europe.
We currently sell around 4000 tons of wire products monthly and are ready to expand our sales with a new supplier.
Having our own special and deep knowledge of the wire technologies together with advanced logistics and financial departments gives us an opportunity to create a profitable business for both our customers and suppliers.
If your portfolio contains these or similar products, please contact us for an open discussion on how we can help you launch your products onto the Scandinavian and Northern European markets.
*Please note: this information is commercial so you need to register to gain access.
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